sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008

The disastrous Theory of the Entrepreneur failure

Not long ago I had the good fortune to work in a talk on Success-business failure within a program of a Masters for young entrepreneurs.

I ended up talking about the failure and what it meant for an entrepreneur and I tried to do so thoroughly document cases are about failure or not that could then become models of success. The theme was awaken in me an interest in macabre: The Theory of disastrous failure Entrepreneur.

It is curious, but surprising, that the policy of many corporations is the measure the success of a STP by the number of companies created in their midst ... in fact I have come to hear sentencing: "The parks have to create at least 500 companies a year ...". Ridicule isn't?. And what happens if after creating 500 companies and celebrate, 499 die tomorrow? Would it not be wiser to say: The parks have to ensure that the ratio of successful companies within three years exceeds one Are 10%? Are 20% ?..?. It seems that the words "business failure" are taboo unwavering little more than pejorative and that is intimately linked to culture (or ignorance?) Business that we are supposed.

We are aware that we must turn this negative perception of business failure in a positive, a source of knowledge, thinking, creativity (obviously there are areas where failure is not an option, and if not that it ask NASA . Whether it said Gene Kranz, flight director of the Apollo XIII that when one suffered an accident and had to be returned home, "Failure is not an option"). But fortunately the business world does not require such rigidity and perfection and is an ideal spot for experimentation and science and technology parks have a crucial role is that process.

Generally, young people (and not so young) entrepreneurs who start their journey in the jungle, which is the market for business and are approaching a STP to receive support are afraid of failure, that this is his first and last opportunity to create a company ... why our role as "coachers" is fundamental to remove the fear of power have identified those pitfalls that can be found and help them overcome them (which, let us not delude ourselves, nor is a guarantee of success but at least not encountered with the same stone than others, nobody can say that if a company is installed in a STP it will succeed ... this is pure naivety or perhaps ignorance of what really is a STP).

The failure is a factor that deeply affects the pride of those who suffer, but allows us to mature, grow "emotionally" since we should be able to overcome and continue:

As quoted Einstein: "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"

And in order to have an important role, we need to look at cases of failure and get behavioural patterns that might be transferable to new companies in the form of "experience of others" and use cases of failure to motivate future entrepreneurs by a and on the other hand, take that knowledge to help growing businesses or consolidated to overcome difficult stages. Obviously, the reasons for failure for a company may not be applicable to other circumstances or conditions for its contour, but it is always possible to extract a message, a basic concept that is useful and encouraging to get up and keep walking.

The other day, coincidentally, until I found an article that would establish predictive models of business failure using genetic algorithms ... fabulous, I told myself! perhaps now is not very effective but it is a beginning, trying to model human behavior to predict under what conditions can be filed. The next step is to see to what extent our initial conditions are similar, environment variables and apply similar human behaviors ... and try .... and repeat ....

A good start would be based on criteria more or less substantiated, such as those included in his latest book "The Black Book of the Entrepreneur" Fernando Trias de Bes, and create it on our own structure of knowledge about what we mean by business failure and how to minimize.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths" Walt Disney

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