lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Seventh International Conference of APTE 2008 ... A techno-innovation-emotional management

Last 5, Nov. 6 was held at the Park Tecnolóxico of Galicia (Tecnopole) the seventh International conference of APTE (Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain) with the slogan: INNOVATE FROM THE TALENT and that was precisely what most had in those rooms.

The list of speakers was most elite in the world for innovation:

* Genís Roca, a guru of Web 2.0 we introduced the utility of this current in the online world of business.

'What is Web 2.0 in business?

* Eric Michel-Dufeil, responsible for regional development in the Directorate General for Regional Policy of the European Commission and speaking of

'The R & D in the Spanish Programming ERDF 2007-2013'

* Tapan Munroe, an expert in regional economy, impact studies and analysis of financial and economic sector of high technology who presented his book: "Silicon Valley. Ecology of Innovation" supported by Mark WestMind.

* Lestón Daniel Fernandez, who works at IBM where he has placed special focus on the study of emerging technologies and their impact on the world of business. In this area working with the community, within IBM, explores the potential of online virtual environments like Second Life and who presented the paper

'And tomorrow, what? The 3D Internet and on-line life '

* Jose Ramon Garcia, president and executive director of Blusens Global Corporation and gave a spectacular view of how a start-up can have an overwhelming success as is the case with Blusens:

'Blusens: paradigm of entrepreneurship, internationalization and technological innovation'

* Then we had the luck with Chema for Dapena, is a local artist with an international showing to perfection the-art research and tandem opened the debate:

'¿Innovation in art or art of innovation? "

* Mon Santiago Alvarez, a professor of the Department Managing People in Organizations IESE chair sat with an excellent presentation focused on

'The innovative talent management'

* And finally, Xoán and Xosé Cannas, Jose Luis Perez and Raul Mateo delight us with the prospect of innovation in the culinary arts

'The kitchen and cellar as the laboratories'

All the presentations were excellent but I want to highlight some aspects of some of them superb and it seemed to me that, thanks to the depth of the messages, I have been able to stop time for a moment and reflect:

Genís Roca, during his talk, we opened our eyes to the current state of the digital world and the future that awaits us and printed the flow like a tsunami which are mounted on the Digital Natives, this new generation of young people that has defined so well Marc Prensky and whose vision of reality is quite different from ours, what Prensky calls between digital immigrants and those who consider myself one more with all the positive and negative connotations that entails. Although there was nothing more shocking as his reference to the times in which we live: "Liquid Times", a term coined by Zygmunt Bauman and which accurately reflects the transit of a modern "solid" - stable, repetitive, a "liquid "- Fickle and flexible. I am reading the book right now and I have to say that the message you are conveying is hard but at the same time real and that explains the flow of intense volatility, lack of security and uncertainty in which we live. Highly recommended.

Tapan Munroe, made us reflect on the importance of the ecosystems of innovation (which desarrollaré in a future post) along the lines of the Silicon Valley and that really is not that far from what other regions are doing more or less successful. What I pointed out, as a visionary of what is coming, it's innovation that can give you a change of direction to the current crisis (hopefully someone will notice it).

Accompanied him, as the author of his book, Mark Westmind who might surprise everyone present impressed with his perspective of the road to take to disseminate and inculcate the spirit of entrepreneurship to young people.

Introduced a draft (GreenBiz) very ambitious but loaded with content and it seems that, as always, is to wreak havoc in the U.S. and creating environments enviable. Maybe it's the formula we need to change that uneasiness of the latest generations and avoid the apathy that are suffering.

Professor Santiago Alvarez de Mon gave us, all present, a real lesson in management or rather self-management. In my case, I opened my eyes to many aspects of talent management and are clear predictors of the implementation of successful strategies in the management of parks (and even of life itself, as no!). He cited Ortega Gasset (If you want to send to the other prevailing on yourself) and Einstein (Imagination is more important than knowledge) among others and "set" (if I may say so) "chair", saying that " There is no intuition if there is no work and effort "... rather small element in our days.

The emotional part came from the hand of Chema Dapena with his art that printed color green room as well as the taste joined by brothers Cannas introducing his mastery in the kitchen and in the manufacture of wine.

Ultimately, the conference would define as INNO-TECHNO-EMOTIONAL ( "stealing"-but with the honey-term Pau Arenós , a friend who created it to the kitchen to catalog created by great masters) since it was able to combine technology, innovation and art to end an emotionally charged sprinkled nitrogen and give a final touch icing.

With all these ingredients, the organizers have ensured that these two very intense days-have-been recorded, the style of Chema Dapena, in our minds and in our hearts.

From here I want to thank the entire organization (especially Sandra, Bea F, Cristina, Bea T, Elisabeth, and Noemi Noemia for the patience they had with me) for the superb job they did, for his efforts and for the warmth and kindness to which had to bear all present.

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

STP 3.0: STP a la carte?

On many occasions we endeavor to encourage innovation in young entrepreneurs ... Yet if we look carefully we see that we really do not innovate, the parks continue to operate as traditional structures, with organizational charts and obsolete operational and is little more we offer a package of services has required that anyone really ... perhaps suffer from the same "disease" of many entrepreneurs, "who does not eat day to day and there is no time to reflect."

Making clean slate, I wonder:

- How would a STP where services are designed directly by the client?

- How would a STP where the mechanisms for generating value added were designed by the community ... of entrepreneurs and businessmen? Something like a "crowsourcing" of innovation.

- How would a business model of a STP where the cost of the service provided the customer defines it? that is, is the customer who appreciates what you are offering (a priori or a posteriori) ... ¿There really a possible business model?

That is to say something like a Wiki-STP or a Wiki-preneur in which the definition of protocols, standards, strategies are designed on the basis of feedback from the community. It would be something like a company of Open Source: defining a strategy at least, a basic product and the community is and who is trying to improve its "flavor" and helping the company to refocus its business model.

What benefit would get a k-node to node or knowledge to make their vision of the STP, which was shared? Perhaps the side effect that would result in the socio-economic environment in the region where they launch? (always considering the environment as a crucial element of the University tandem university-enterprise ... that ultimately would be the main engine of technological transfer to and from the company promoting the enrichment of both)

In principle it would have to break some molds, such as the fact untie the estate with the STP. The mere fact of being located in a park scientific-technological and of itself should be a mark of quality assurance and focus more than their intrinsic value to provide a package of services from "low resolution" should be a visa to enter a environment in which talent management, networking, technology transfer, knowledge management and coopetitive collaboration are those that increase the active-enterprising company decides to imbue in this info-structure.

Could be a STP 3.0 a "Funky Business" in the current structure??

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008

Tandem University-Enterprise (II)

Returning to talk about the duo "University-Enterprise." Stiring among my papers found a couple of notes I took at a seminar organized by the Chair of the UJI INCREA few months ago, specifically on June 12, on MOBILITY OF PROFESSIONAL BETWEEN THE COMPANY AND THE UNIVERSITY where people panellists came as relevant business world as Escrigas Daniel (Director of Corporate Responsibility of UBE Corporation Europe), Jose Luis Lopez Silanes (President of HLC), Juan Mulet (Director General of the Foundation for Technological Innovation (COTEC)), Javier Delgado Garcia as a representative of the UPM and accountable practices in business and Miguel Valcarcel, professor at the University of Cordoba and national prize for research in 2005.

A seminar was very interesting because it was important the gulf between these two entities (lack missed in the audience top representatives of the University as well as the group of businessmen from Castellon, given the importance of the subject that demanded a profound reflection of the current situation).

I will not recount the entire seminar (on the website of the Chair INCREASE sure that there are summaries of it) but I wanted to highlight some aspects that I drew attention, considering that I come with a business-and despite all that are already I am aware of the problem without seeing concrete actions to deal with it, I mean the Enterprise-University interaction in one direction.

Everyone is agreed that there is a need for greater cooperation between the University and Enterprise and are based on the famous phrase "The University is responsible for preparing our highly-skilled human capital to achieve business excellence" .. . and I wonder: do we really believe the business is this? ... And the University?

It is true that increasingly, establishing partnership agreements between the two entities: fellows, research contracts, however, it seems that there is still some disbelief as to the effectiveness of such collaborations. I heard that mechanisms have been launched to "force" such collaborations as tax incentives as the company does not invest in research if you do not get results ... Interestingly ¿no? Is it necessary to force such a relationship? How could develop "smoothly" as saying the Anglo-Saxons?

Jose Luis Lopez de Silanes (President of HLC) has launched two issues for discussion which I found very interesting:

- How can the universities to increase business confidence about the ability to generate knowledge applicable?
- What obstacles exist to incorporating professional management techniques to academic institutions?

It seems that this requires a change of mentality in both major parties. The goal is not only increase the prestige university, obtain additional sources of funding or participating in the training of students ... So what happens to "generate wealth in the environment or improve the socio-economic environment of our society?

Another noteworthy speech was that of Miguel Valcarcel, professor at the University of Cordoba and national prize for research in 2005 showed that a very detailed SWOT analysis of "reversible mobility" between companies and universities. Sometimes I am amazed how we endeavor to get closer to European models culturally when the distance is abysmal and that the first thing we have to be revised. It was mentioned the figure of the Associate Professor of the important role that can lead to academic training and the little that was materializing ... and that the final again would be in the same words that were heard repeatedly: mistrust to the University and ignorance of the potential university by the company.

I understand that there is a need to rethink where we want to go and focus more on improving the quality of collaboration that launched countless actions to increase collaborations without redesigning the model. The good news is that there is an opportunity to improve and that if there is interest and commitment we can still give you a 180

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008

Tandem University-Enterprise (I)

Even in times of crisis is talk of the binomial University-Enterprise ... last Aug. 29 in El Pais published an article that read: "The government will encourage private investment in the campus' ... "barely 4% of the university funding comes from the company ... very enlightening huh?

The article is very interesting because it reflects what we all already know so simplistic "The company generally does not go to the University as an asset in which to invest," and now comes the thousand dollar question: why? or ... What is lacking at the University to make it an interesting target for private investors? What he needs to private investors to understand that the University is a source of invaluable knowledge and therefore requires investment to grow?

On the one hand, an incentive to companies through improved fiscal and otherwise, it seems, encourage in any way, the hiring of researchers. The two things I think are good measures that will facilitate the process but there is a background that seems that nobody wants to touch it, we all look sidelong: why marriage to the university-industry lacks chemistry? (Of course, I'm going to skip the added problem of the transfer of responsibilities to the communities that much more difficult this relationship and I am going to focus solely on the tandem that should be both).

And reading the article, which for many thoughts, I mention some interesting phrases:
- "It's always reticent who feared a university in the service of the company" ... always the same fear ... and the University really should be at the service of society ... and the company is a vehicle.

- "It would be a mistake to investigate just what the market requires" (words of the chairman of the rectors, Angel Gabilondo) ... Of course, we should raise it with nuance: "We have to investigate essentially what the market requires" ... But not only that, basic research is essential to develop the applied.

- "[...] It would be a mistake to put funding into the system if there is no reflection upon and a roadmap for achieving excellence. Just as clear objectives [...]" (Cristina Garmendia, Minister of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) . With this statement reinforces the need for mechanisms of control and project management that is capable of justifying each euro invested in a project looking for, yes, what is its direct profitability (for results of this specific project) or induced (by Results of other projects that have been based on what developed in the latter).

On the one hand it is clear that basic research can not disappear, however applied is vital for society therefore, as the article suggests, is also a good measure of the fact that it is the government who invest in basic research and companies who do so in private. That is, I believe that society-investing with their taxes in the training of skilled hands of the University-less see embodied the hopes that investment in improvements to our quality of life (in all fields of knowledge). The companies, in this sense, are perhaps waiting for something more demanding short-term results to justify their investments. and are capable of resolving their problems, achieve a high level of productivity and competitiveness ... This is also logical.

In this sense, is still a long way to go to get that on the one hand the university is an efficient manager of private and public investment and be able to justify, through indicators or efficient control panels, each euro cent invested on the part of both public institutions (including European funds) and from business organizations. The laxity that is manifested in the economic management of scientific projects makes businesses fear that their investments are not sufficiently exploited and no rule of profitability as a criteria (when I see the huge amount of money is being invested in projects from Europe and The same carelessness that it takes to make sure the result and its impact on society gives me a stomach ache)

Given that, as I say, that relationship is not entirely "cordial", I believe that the STP must be a very active and vital element in the process of rapprochement between the Company and the University. Due to the difference in language that is spoken in the university versus the company, in some cases, not unusual, it should be a "translator" to bring the two positions.

It seems clear need to find mechanisms to create an atmosphere of trust and loyalty between University and Enterprise, which promotes collaboration agreements where the University be strengthened in the image of motor knowledge of quality.

Perhaps, in this case, it seems that much help dispose of professionals working within the University to find points of connection between the two environments ...

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

Ubuntu ... "I am because we are"

Not long ago, just a few months, I decided to take a singular way: abandon 15 years of having worked with Windows (and all variants except the Vista ... and I do not regret) to move to an unknown world: the world ubuntu .

I admit that initially I had no idea of the true concept ubuntu. Knew or believed that know-ubuntu was a new distribution of Debian GNU / Linux, more directed to personal computers, but already is spreading among servers, and graphical environment which was doing divert attention to Windows users. After reading a bit more about the origins of software I find a company as an initiative of Canonical Ltd.. Founded and funded by the South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth (the company that sold Thawte to VeriSign, four years after build in the garage his home, for 575 million U.S. dollars (U.S. $)) and with funding of 10millones dollars (almost nothing to be distributed free). We are talking about the year 2004. Today it has become a true competitor to Windows, with updates very well planned and proving to be a reliable and stable platform.

Although my comments I am not going to develop some of the technical side I will only say that for about 5 months that "I left the dark side of the Force" I have not re-treading ground Windows .... and I do not have been necessary ...

Ubuntu ... but what is it really? What are the implications and how far they can go? I'm looking at Wikipedia and I find the following definition:

Ubuntu is a South African ethical rule or ideology focused on the loyalty of the people and the relationships between them. The word comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages. Ubuntu is seen as a traditional African concept.

and I still read:

Mental attitude prevailing among the native Africans who live south of the sahara, stems from the popular saying "umuntu, nigumuntu, nagamuntu" which in Zulu means "a person is a person because of others."

And finally the definition supplied by the Archbishop Desmon Tutú:

"A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, supports the other, does not feel threatened when others are capable and are good at something, because they are unsure of himself and he knows that he belongs to a large whole, which is decreasing when other people are humiliated or little, when others are tortured or oppressed. "

This makes us go back to approaches commented earlier: The We versus Me, the strength of an entire face of individuality. Since, as I say, that landed in the ubuntu world I have seen the enormous strength of the community: any problem, and I say "everyone", which you can find at your operations with ubuntu you can resolve it without further in the community who support you and thank you it has been possible to get the product better, enrich ... improve service, get more followers and consolidate the conviction that we are stronger than me ... you may return to the concept of Dyna-K-Net? the Open-Source-Services?

How far can we go with this freedom of movement? How far it can reach "the community"?

The truth ... is that now I am enjoying as ever ... I hope that ubuntu is the exception to the argument of Eduardo Punset in his blog "The unhappiness is the price to pay for being free"

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

Dyna-K-Net or Generation of Knowledge Dynamics in the university environment

What is the Dyna-K-Net? How can their added value within a STP 3.0?

In reality the concept itself of Dynamic Knowledge Network and Knowledge Network Dynamic is also not new and has been applied to various environments related Knowledge Management well in the field of e-Learning applications or as support in the generation and storage knowledge.

One very interesting book that delves into a DKNS (Dynamic Knowledge Network System) as a tool designed to create corporate reports needed to preserve the experience and expertise of employees in an enterprise is the "Intelligent Learning Infrastructure for Knowledge Intensive Organizations of Miltiadis D . Lytras (2006).

From this approach, it is possible to find a point of extrapolation that I consider interesting and I wanted to share with my pillow. "

Imagine for a moment a very dynamic environment of people who are a source of knowledge in various stages of his life: start with a knowledge learned out of this environment and will subsequently expanded, refined based on knowledge transfer programs previously designed (with more or lesser success but that we are not going to discuss here).

Imagine for a moment an environment in which people each year fall by 30% for both new and with new visions of life.

We call these people or K-Knowledge Nodes nodes or nodes Knowledge (well, do not expect to feel very flattered by the term coined but we continue ...)

With such rotation of K-annually Nodes are allowed to have elements of "fresh" in the fresh and say they can PROVIDE different visions of any issues that were raised and therefore has to be perceived that the environment I am talking about is enriched years after year with generational changes.

I'm going to put a name to that environment: A UNIVERSITY, whatever is valid but my discussion will revolve around the closer I got that may have close to 16,000 K-Nodes formed by students, PDI (Teaching and Research) and PAS (Personnel Management and Services):

So let us now a network (never better said: neuronal) 16000 elements solving a problem ... the same problem (either individually or in the form of crowsourcing). So a voice suddenly, it seems that it would be hard not to find the solution.

Although at this time there to reflect on its usefulness ... What I could be available this "neural net"? What would happen if a company would launch a challenge to the Dyna-K-Net, the challenge to help find a solution to a problem that I had (at the technical level, management, ...) and to give more excitement over a period no more than 72 hours. (and why 72? and not 48? or 128? ... well precisely because it is setting a challenge and see how far the Dyna-K-Net is able to resolve an issue within a given time ... then everything is adjustable ).

How many business problems remain unsolved for lack of "workforce" or rather to "think-force"? Is it necessary to have knowledge of business management to resolve the issue? (I do not think so, we must not underestimate the contributions of others that have nothing to do with the problem, which does not prejudice the outcome, which are not "flawed" by the business environment ... these "outsiders" are the generators ideas of "cool" and often high value added)

Where are the limitations in this process? What are the impediments to developing such an activity?

and now comes the question: how to reason K-Nodes to contribute their bit?

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Talent Networking

It is not easy to retain the best people in our business and what I see is that the relevance that has not always understood by employers unless they begin to detect movement in the market and in that case, start to get nervous if the best are going to the competition.

The Aberdeen Group presents a new report, this time sponsored by Cezanne Software, a provider of advanced solutions for Human Capital Management, which corroborates how the performance management of employees is becoming again at the central strategy of enterprises when it comes to compromise and retain employees.

"The pressures that lead organizations to pursue the performance management of employees have changed in 2008 to reflect the pressing reality that is associated with the global shortage of talent," said Kevin Martin research director of Human Capital Management in Aberdeen. "The current shortage of skilled labor is assuming a real challenge to maintain a sufficient supply of talent, which is drifting in a more competitive environment that involves difficulty in retaining workers in more talent. Consequently, the best organizations are seeking ways to accommodate the entire demands of work and development as well as expectations of a diverse workforce, provide clarity and consistency among the priorities of working employees and business goals, and establish a sense mutual belonging and responsibility in this process between the employee and his/her supervisor. "

Here rewards available tools for managing the performance of employees (known as EPM-solutions-Employee Performance Management) and large companies have managed to increase by over 600% employee productivity as well as retention of the best " gray matter. "

Here I leave with you a link to the report for which I recommend reading:
Aberdeen Report on Talent Management

We return to a focus on the theme of giving it the importance it deserves the management of people. Today I had an argument with a businessman who told me that people are not important since "you say you have to do and how much easier it is better not to think", "if everything is no procedure or protocol has Why have the problem "and I ask myself: who is going to read those protocols and who will run in an efficient manner? A robot or a human mind?

I think it's an interesting reflection on calculating and assessing the knowledge-man-years that are lost when an employee leaves the company qualified and is going to competition: the training they received in ours and what has become a way induced or spontaneously.

If, moreover, the intellectual capital that we have made in our company as we integrate into a knowledge-sharing between providers and clients Multiplier effect is unimaginable, then becomes a Talent Networking also needs to be managed properly to ensure that investment in long - Money is profitable.

Recently I read an article in the tribune FREE written by Julio Perez-Roman Tomé (Corporate Dossier July 4-10) which stated something that we must not forget:

"You have to have enough talent to discover their own talent in others"

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

TRIZ more than a methodology

On June 24 I attended a conference entitled "Innovation with the TRIZ methodology" that gave Dr. Iouri Belski and organized by the chair of the UJI INCREA. The fact is that he did not know that methodology, and I found interesting to hear what I could say about TRIZ but my surprise was when I started and I saw the title: "Systematised Substance-Field Analysis: TRIZ Methology." At that point I thought: "I have the wrong site ... this is for engineers ..." but fortunately not I left ... I was wrong ... and fairly.

Dr. Belski focused his talk metolodogía in a structured and systematic thinking to solve problems related to engineering, where, from a set of "substances", "camps" (acoustic, mechanical ,...) 5 and applying rules, it was possible to find a solution to the problem.

The fact is that, under the talk was moving, I was realizing the power they had TRIZ but not only for solving engineering problems, but also as an ideal tool for conflict resolution behavior in organizations (Organizational Dynamics), only we must rebuild the foundation on which underpin the rules and then make the connections between nodes.

Ultimately, it was a lucky to have the opportunity to attend because now I have another thing in that thinking: How can seize TRIZ as a tool to support business start-ups or growth phase to improve the resolution of their conflict does not matter the nature of them.

Is this hybridization? I think so. I find it fascinating to find new ways of doing things based on concepts that are applied to very disparate fields.


miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Utopia or Dystopia

The truth is that it is not easy to launch a STP, especially when you're the last to arrive and there are already many players that may have a symbiotic, synergistic or simply decoupled-related entrepreneurial initiatives. However, it is curious to note that outweighs the "ownership dissociative" that the synergistic. In a word, that each one travels free with "a casual encounter along the way."

I think it is very important that there is an alignment between all local actors which develops business-entrepreneurial activity, we stopped aside the suspicions, the sensitivities, fears and we really put our role in the socio-economic fabric of our area (read region, province, etc.).. In short, I am convinced that everybody wants to make its work relevant, appreciated and useful for the society they live in but I am quite sure that this result will be reinforced and multiplied if converge on this goal with other similar elements. But it will be time when we will have to give and take on other ... but that's the game.

And here, a STP has much to say and do. It is a pity that because of a lack of proper guidance, all efforts (especially human and financial) are in a "nothing" or a "little bit" due to lack of understanding, or simply by negligence or motivation.

We must recognize that, unfortunately, the political factor is fundamental to derail the project ... or give it a Herculean momentum and to avoid the first, or failure, it is necessary that we work as individuals and not organizations.

Here it needs to be made a key question:

The generation of local wealth Is it really a goal of all?

If so, there would be no reason to fear but do not see it that way and it causes considerable differences remain, but that does not add up.

For that reason, we must continue to innovate to find initiatives that enrich our environment, let vanales of prominence and superfluous to point out that we really have only one objective: to help our environment is on a scientific level, technology and humanist ... which will lead to value creation, wealth and welfare.

"Innovation is not only fun intelligence group" (Michael Nolan)


domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

Coopetition: a STP one more element

"Business is cooperation when it comes to creating a pie and competition when it divided" (Nalebug-Branderburger, 1996)

Though it may seem that the concept Coopetition-Cooperation and Competition (coined by Nalebug-Branderburger, 1996) applies only to businesses, it should be noted that a STP acting more like a business (regardless of its nature constitutive) and responds to the same pattern in As for interaction with the environment, that an enterprise (SME usually because of their size).

Therefore, in this case, a STP is not immune to this. That new mindset to consider competition and cooperation goes back to game theory applied to the world of business. This abstraction can be used similarly to the STP at the time to interact with the environment.

In this sense I think very useful to design a "map of net value" as it raises Nalebug-Branderburger focused on a STP that will allow us to make a reflection on customers, competitors, suppliers and completer.

Here we can already see the results of two symmetries very interesting: customer-supplier and competitor-completer. We must also take into account what enriches the map of net worth is that each player (customer, supplier, competitor and / or complement) has several roles and uses them as more appropriate.

I find interesting the fact incorporate game theory to the STP environment, and be able to identify players, rules, tactics and the pitch and everything in what order? just be able to identify the added value of each player in the process of generating wealth of the environment in which the STP is seen as added value as "what each player brings to the game" (Nalebug-Branderburger, 1996).

All the players joined, the oldest in the game and new. Sometimes, I see that incorporating a new player creates a structural instability in the environment because you have to redeploy the forces of cohesion between the different players and that is evident in instability sensitivities understandable but surmountable. We must avoid thinking about the fact that with each new addition is "every piece of the pie smaller," but that makes the cake is much more palatable if there coopetition.

Speaking of tasty cakes seems that now the theory of the management of parks will be similar to the theories of quantum physics which are color-flavor characteristics of the quantum particles ... but I do not pretend, however if it is related to what is claimed to speak for generating wealth in the socio-economic uniting the efforts of all players, making such an environment that incorporates the STP 3.0 as an asset and motor end to be, for tissue-business entrepreneur in the region

"A Great Place to Grow"

but let's talk about it later on ...

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

Open Source Services: something new?

One of the activities of a STP provides is a set of services to businesses located in the park that is supposed to go to improve their business functions and help them increase their productivity, however it seems that these services are provided in isolation The STP provides a list of providers of that service and becomes independent of the outcome of these and even the back of customer satisfaction once you have eaten. That independence on the one hand allows the STP does not get involved in the choice of provider and the other does not intervene in the valuation of that service. For single service: as an adviser to search, find sources of funding, and so on. may even be desirable, however, and following an article I read recently on the Open Source Software, which built other applications based on open access, but whose value added was operating as integrator or aggregator in all its essence, I I asked if there would be no way to act as a service provider "open" manner to provide a much higher value added.

That is, I believe that a OSSP (Open Source Services Provider) should be able to meet requests from a client (read company installed a STP ... or even does not have to ...) based on a set of suppliers in Based on an evaluation criterion weighted according to their business, and involve all relevant actors needed to make that request can be carried out with as much of the guarantees. The added value of a OSSP is to act as "middleware" between all vendors doing that all work together (building on a project management) but they function independently. The Open Source Software that lets you at any given time if there is an application-member global application that ceases to be valid, be replaced by another ensuring that the result will be the same with minimal changes in their integration, that is, in this " middleware that interconnects. The Open Source Services should be able to act likewise.

Creating protocols to be able to adjust the suppliers, it would be possible to provide a solution independent of who they are "physically" suppliers and rely solely on the basis of business that they play which in turn can be done by another supplier in case of that the first does not fulfill or ceases to be active.

Taking into account that now all providers must comply with a set of "communications protocols" to be able to establish the appropriate "connector" between them how base my choice of what provider is the best? simply because, in a series of indicators related to the quality of this "connector", its cost, its versatility to change the face of the provider you go online and to avoid that outcome is affected and the response time among others.

The value added of the STP is to provide, acting as OSSP, the 3D fractal structure consisting of nodes (suppliers) easily replaceable and interconnected by "standard connector" whose form will be different depending on the request. It is a good reflection huh?

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008

Corporate Blogs a good way to communicate

With new technologies in the fields of communication, companies are making efforts to adapt and rely on tools very competitive and high added value for the development of their businesses. The so-called weblogs, or blogs are a very interesting primarily for their ability to interact with customers and the other for its accessibility.

The blogs began to be "daily" personal or professional in any case, however increasingly companies and used as Corporate Blogs. Blogs in general require periodic updates and messages are archived chronologically. These messages are added to public comments that might be moderate or not. There are an infinite number of types of blogs, as many as thematic or formats: personal news, business or corporate, technological, educational, political, etc., and according to their content, are presented as fotologs, Videoblogs or audioblogs.

From a business point of view, I would distinguish between two types: those used for client feedback on services provided by the company and those used by the entrepreneurs. The former are very important because they allow "open its eyes" to the company versus what your customers demand (that is what I have called more than once society of the conversation, a term coined Vicente Verdu), and these opinions, like which can see you anywhere in the blogosphere, should not be underestimated by the company. It would not be the first nor the last time that a company finds out what evil that it does through the blogosphere and when it's too late.

The second, from my point of view, are the most interesting because they are real forums where the present and future entrepreneurs can present their ideas and receive feedback from the public, which can be shared "world views" with other entrepreneurs and even start a relationship commercial. This is where you can better fathom the market, and if our future product will be welcome or not.

The truth is that the use of blogs by companies involves a change of mentality in the management of relations with its government. In addition, it indicates a trend toward entities more open, transparent and willing to cooperate.

As I said before, new technology and specifically the blogs, because of their interactive nature, represent one of the best ways to establish this exchange with our audience. A very telling example is the Mozilla Firefox browser, its launch was made from a single blog in 99 days and managed to download 25 million and now is the biggest rival to Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

However, I understand that at the beginning our blog may cause fear and to the conversation and message is uncontrollable but on the other hand do not bring messages of our clients / consumers / users who may be crucial to find that aspect differentiator with the competition: to know listen to those who actually have the final word on the market -> customers.

I think I mentioned somewhere else but I recommend the Manual of the blog on the company by Alberto Ortiz de Zarate Third. What can download from the Web Infonomía.

We also included a list of good corporate blogs:

* Babies and more:
Thematic niche blog sponsored by Sanitas

* Blog of the Hotel del Pintor:
Blog of a corporate design hotel in Malaga

* BlueBBVA:
Network of blogs theme music, soccer and travel-oriented target youth

* Inside AdSense:
Blog official Google AdSense program geared to website publishers

* FON Blog:
FON's official blog project

* Ingredients:
Blog corporate consultancy The Cocktail

* Live the city:
Blog network of cities driven by the chain NH Hoteles

* Vodafone 3GSM:
Blog corporate event for the coverage of the 3GSM Congress

To end, what has to do with the STP 3.0? Much truth, I consider that a blog STP can be used to assess future services that want to lend to a company located in the park, sharing views on specific strategies with other parks, customers (and future) ... anything that involves a reflection is positive.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

Learning to extrapolate Web 2.0

The advantage of new social trends is that it is always possible to obtain conclusions that would allow you to create an extrapolation environment where you work. Yesterday, reading the European Communications Spring I found an article called me a lot of attention: "Detailed insight" written by Dante Iacovoni, Marketing Director of Tilgin. This article reflects on how operators could benefit from the lessons learned from the success of Web 2.0 phenomenon. and found some prospects that I think deserve to face another reflection of the activity of a PCT and even businesses that are in the process of creation-growth ...

Iacovoni says that the main key to this success, as I say the phenomenon of Web 2.0, is the information that companies have 2.0 of its users / customers / consumers and how they use this information to their benefit. It seems that in the end come back to one of the concepts found in the book "A Guide for use in the company's Blog" by Alberto Ortiz de Zarate and commented briefly on the bulletin-INFO espaitec # 10: "The society of the conversation" , Labelled by Vincent Verdú (I and your luxury objects, Barcelona, 2005). That is to say that "great conversation in which organizations are involved and consumers."

In other words, the definition of services offered to customers / users / consumers have to be much more than simple menus, or the typical "coffee for all". It is not easy but in society-century in which we find ourselves, where the user / client / consumer is increasingly demanding and have more access to information on global trends, markets and services, it is necessary to offer services / products other than convincing and they are really where users / customers / consumer demand. It is necessary "that conversation" to learn about the preferences, tastes and wants of objective elements (customer target) to accommodate our offer and make more effective its capitalization, and we are not talking about competition for price but by quality of service and content / product.

The term "individual" takes more relevant now, because as such has a number of preferences and we have to cover shortfalls and services / products that are designed to appear to be defined "ad hoc" for each and be able to make sense to users / customers / consumers that are unique and that our treatment is totally custom.

This, as commented at the outset, is extrapolated to PCTs towards the services they render to the companies installed in their infrastructure (real or virtual) and is a concept to grasp to companies that are beginning their journey. The review of the business models of face-to face the new "model client" is vital to achieve a high probability of success. It is time to start talking about a new type of services: Open Source Services.

"The future is the new services and applications as well as new business models"

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008

The disastrous Theory of the Entrepreneur failure

Not long ago I had the good fortune to work in a talk on Success-business failure within a program of a Masters for young entrepreneurs.

I ended up talking about the failure and what it meant for an entrepreneur and I tried to do so thoroughly document cases are about failure or not that could then become models of success. The theme was awaken in me an interest in macabre: The Theory of disastrous failure Entrepreneur.

It is curious, but surprising, that the policy of many corporations is the measure the success of a STP by the number of companies created in their midst ... in fact I have come to hear sentencing: "The parks have to create at least 500 companies a year ...". Ridicule isn't?. And what happens if after creating 500 companies and celebrate, 499 die tomorrow? Would it not be wiser to say: The parks have to ensure that the ratio of successful companies within three years exceeds one Are 10%? Are 20% ?..?. It seems that the words "business failure" are taboo unwavering little more than pejorative and that is intimately linked to culture (or ignorance?) Business that we are supposed.

We are aware that we must turn this negative perception of business failure in a positive, a source of knowledge, thinking, creativity (obviously there are areas where failure is not an option, and if not that it ask NASA . Whether it said Gene Kranz, flight director of the Apollo XIII that when one suffered an accident and had to be returned home, "Failure is not an option"). But fortunately the business world does not require such rigidity and perfection and is an ideal spot for experimentation and science and technology parks have a crucial role is that process.

Generally, young people (and not so young) entrepreneurs who start their journey in the jungle, which is the market for business and are approaching a STP to receive support are afraid of failure, that this is his first and last opportunity to create a company ... why our role as "coachers" is fundamental to remove the fear of power have identified those pitfalls that can be found and help them overcome them (which, let us not delude ourselves, nor is a guarantee of success but at least not encountered with the same stone than others, nobody can say that if a company is installed in a STP it will succeed ... this is pure naivety or perhaps ignorance of what really is a STP).

The failure is a factor that deeply affects the pride of those who suffer, but allows us to mature, grow "emotionally" since we should be able to overcome and continue:

As quoted Einstein: "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"

And in order to have an important role, we need to look at cases of failure and get behavioural patterns that might be transferable to new companies in the form of "experience of others" and use cases of failure to motivate future entrepreneurs by a and on the other hand, take that knowledge to help growing businesses or consolidated to overcome difficult stages. Obviously, the reasons for failure for a company may not be applicable to other circumstances or conditions for its contour, but it is always possible to extract a message, a basic concept that is useful and encouraging to get up and keep walking.

The other day, coincidentally, until I found an article that would establish predictive models of business failure using genetic algorithms ... fabulous, I told myself! perhaps now is not very effective but it is a beginning, trying to model human behavior to predict under what conditions can be filed. The next step is to see to what extent our initial conditions are similar, environment variables and apply similar human behaviors ... and try .... and repeat ....

A good start would be based on criteria more or less substantiated, such as those included in his latest book "The Black Book of the Entrepreneur" Fernando Trias de Bes, and create it on our own structure of knowledge about what we mean by business failure and how to minimize.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths" Walt Disney

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008

What is a STP 3.0?

The Science and Technology Parks (STP) are becoming a fashion globally (see what I could observe the charts presented Luis Sanz, director of the IASP, in the Day of the Entrepreneur of the Comunidad Valenciana last May 5).

However, what I noticed when analysing management models parks both nationally and internationally is that there is an obsession around the concept of "brick". In other words, has come to say that an organization is not a STP if you do not have definitive building where hosting companies ... I do not agree with that assertion.

Looking for definitions of STP's, I think the closest to the concept of Scientific-Technological Park I'm viewing is postulated that the same IASP:

"A Science Park is an organization managed by specialized professionals, whose primary objective is to increase the wealth of their community by promoting the culture of innovation and competitiveness of enterprises and institutions generating namely installed in the park or associated with him.
To this end, a Science Park promotes and manages the flow of knowledge and technology between universities, research institutions, companies and markets; promotes the creation and growth of innovative companies through incubation and mechanisms generating centrifugal (spin-off) and provides other value-added services as well as space and facilities of high quality. "

I believe that as a STP 3.0 abstract entity which possesses the gift of ubiquity, which is considered actually an entity composed of persons, services and infrastructure (real and virtual) whose main objective is to be the generator engine of wealth in the region where placed, co-responsible in the process of achieving success by start-ups and facilitator of the already consolidated companies.

But totally independent of a specific physical location. A STP 3.0 is something that goes beyond: relocated, distributed and plural and various hybrid concepts. Of course, it may be virtual: Internet and the agora is a conversational environment and allows closer social networks, across platforms highly efficient (because they meet the objectives that arose) and efficient (because they meet the objective to lower costs).

Viewing a STP 3.0 as a body whose main vehicle of communication among its members is the network, corporate blogs and shared information without borders, under a 24x7x365.

I think the concept of a current STP is already obsolete: it is curious that in these environments is trying to promote the essence of innovation to businesses and parks are the least innovative. In some cases, has reached a state of "comfort" that does not allow creating a mental openness to other strategies, other perspectives environment.
ity which possesses the gift of ubiquity, which is considered an organisation rather tha
Actually, with the responsibility that this requires a STP 3.0 is the main driver of what I call the Journey Management or management of companies that are part of it in its process of creation, incubation, growth and consolidation. A Journey in which a considerable body of actors (who work to support local entrepreneurs), each with their characteristics and make its value differential and complementary. Here are really speak of a true value chain.

It is necessary to take that leap although this would require a deep thinking and in many cases, implementing the reengineering of strategic plans to begin starting from scratch ....