jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

Learning to extrapolate Web 2.0

The advantage of new social trends is that it is always possible to obtain conclusions that would allow you to create an extrapolation environment where you work. Yesterday, reading the European Communications Spring I found an article called me a lot of attention: "Detailed insight" written by Dante Iacovoni, Marketing Director of Tilgin. This article reflects on how operators could benefit from the lessons learned from the success of Web 2.0 phenomenon. and found some prospects that I think deserve to face another reflection of the activity of a PCT and even businesses that are in the process of creation-growth ...

Iacovoni says that the main key to this success, as I say the phenomenon of Web 2.0, is the information that companies have 2.0 of its users / customers / consumers and how they use this information to their benefit. It seems that in the end come back to one of the concepts found in the book "A Guide for use in the company's Blog" by Alberto Ortiz de Zarate and commented briefly on the bulletin-INFO espaitec # 10: "The society of the conversation" , Labelled by Vincent Verdú (I and your luxury objects, Barcelona, 2005). That is to say that "great conversation in which organizations are involved and consumers."

In other words, the definition of services offered to customers / users / consumers have to be much more than simple menus, or the typical "coffee for all". It is not easy but in society-century in which we find ourselves, where the user / client / consumer is increasingly demanding and have more access to information on global trends, markets and services, it is necessary to offer services / products other than convincing and they are really where users / customers / consumer demand. It is necessary "that conversation" to learn about the preferences, tastes and wants of objective elements (customer target) to accommodate our offer and make more effective its capitalization, and we are not talking about competition for price but by quality of service and content / product.

The term "individual" takes more relevant now, because as such has a number of preferences and we have to cover shortfalls and services / products that are designed to appear to be defined "ad hoc" for each and be able to make sense to users / customers / consumers that are unique and that our treatment is totally custom.

This, as commented at the outset, is extrapolated to PCTs towards the services they render to the companies installed in their infrastructure (real or virtual) and is a concept to grasp to companies that are beginning their journey. The review of the business models of face-to face the new "model client" is vital to achieve a high probability of success. It is time to start talking about a new type of services: Open Source Services.

"The future is the new services and applications as well as new business models"

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